Simple recipe for healthy relationships
Here are our essential ingredients to maintaining healthy and positive relationships:
A pinch of technology
Whilst it isn’t generally feasible to book a flight to visit your old school friend that emigrated ten years ago, the glory of the internet means that they are merely a click away. Write an email, attach photos, ask questions about their life and what’s new with them. It doesn’t take long to type out a few words, or if you are feeling adventurous skype is a wonderful way to chat face to face (well, screen to screen). Technology also makes it easier to keep in touch with those we don’t get to see regularly, via text messages and phone calls.
A large scoop of honesty
Honesty is an ingredient that is essential in any relationship. In fact, some might go as far as to say it is the fundamental cornerstone of everything. Honesty promotes trust, trust promotes a sense of security and we all want to feel happy and safe around those we love.
A good glug of empathy
When you are offering a loved one advice or support it can be easy to push our own opinion on to others. However, looking at the issue from their perspective will help you to give more effective advice (plus its more likely to be gratefully received). To handle a situation with compassion and consideration is a soft and easily digested approach.
Set the perfect place-setting
Arranging time to spend with people is an arduous task at the best of times, so when you do finally manage to fix a date it is important that the setting suits the occasion. A cinema date isn’t going to allow for a good catch up with an old friend but works well for a date night with your spouse. A meal can be a great place to socialise, but time can be limited. Whether it be some long overdue mother-daughter bonding time, a couple in need of time to reconnect or a girly reunion celebrating a friendship that has stood the test of time, a spa is an ideal venue. Leave your phones in the lockers and let the tranquil environment allow complete focus on your company (and take in all the gossip).
A taste for quality
We often hear the phrase ‘quality not quantity’ and to try and fit social time and self-care into our busy daily lives, we then learn how true the statement is. Ensure the time you allocate to these things is an investment in yourself and to your own quality of life. A treatment at Elements Boutique Spa is the perfect opportunity to unwind and recharge your batteries so you can give others the best version of you.
And finally; the secret ingredient
Last but by no means least, you need to look after the most important relationship of all.... the relationship you have with yourself. If you become worn down and burnt-out you are unlikely to be able to help those you love. Humans are social creatures and surrounding yourself with people who motivate you, inspire you and nurture your soul is just as important as you nurturing theirs. With self-love comes self-respect and self-worth and when your environment and the people in that environment respect you also, you’ll have a recipe for a happier life.
So, we hope you agree; that when you get to spend quality time with the people you love, it is the perfect recipe for a contented life.
Elements Boutique Spa is an award-winning, luxury spa set amongst the Somerset Levels in Somerset. To book a spa day, massage, facial, or any of our treatments, please get in touch. Email or call 01823 698951
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